Seattle/Tacoma, WA

Seattle / Tacoma…..Home of the first origins of TRVLSQD. There are plenty of folks that train in both the North (Seattle & vicinity) and the South (Tacoma & Vicinity) Puget Sound Areas. Training typically occurs on Sunday and are known as SS7’s or Sunday Suck at 7:00am. If you are interested in training for an upcoming GORUCK Event, want to test your mental fortitude (alongside our Team cohesion & amazing ability to make a simple task very difficult:), and if you’d simply like to see what we are all about, please find us on Facebook at TRVLSQD, or you can e-mail me at  I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the Team.




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  1. Kit Tomlinson /

    Hello TRVLSQD I have a group that is starting to get into good livin’ and I was wondering if you guys have any training plans to prepare new folks for a light. I hope all is well and look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Brian /

      Hey Kit,

      Although this is not an official response from TRVLSQD you may find it helpful. GORUCK has put together a 6 week plan to get people ready for the GORUCK Light and GORUCK Challenge events. I’ve compiled links to all of their pages regarding it here:

      Hope that helps!

  2. Christina Coffman /

    A little later … also not an official response from TRVLSQD but the group usually has training planned that you can join in on. If you send a request to join the Facebook page you can follow threads and see any upcoming SS7 events (Sunday’s Suck at 7)

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